remember how cute that frog was?
he called me later that night to say yes. he's my best friend so i let a simple phone call slide.
i told him today i was slightly disappointed that he hadn't replied in a more creative, thoughtful way.
he must've taken those words to heart because when i went out to my car tonight i found this note:
and then before opening my car door, i found paper already squished out the door.
i knew it was a bad sign.
i imagine thor took every homework assignment he's ever had and then shredded it and then lovingly tossed it in my car.
it's going to take me forever to clean.
this doesn't even put a dent in it.
it was just too dark outside to clean out the rest.
my real the concern is the environment.
i just don't want to litter.
thanks thor. it was funny at first.