today i am happy.
but last week, i felt like i was at my lowest point.
i felt lonely, and unloved.
and then on sunday, i felt inspired by the people around me.
victoria mangum is always bubbly and happy. and i truly admire her.
she is married and happy and has a new adorable baby.
i thought, "i want the happiness she has."
and i remembered that i hadn't been reading my scriptures as much as i should.
my room was a mess.
i wasn't on top of my money or paying tithing.
my life was unorganized.
and that is what was feeding my unhappiness.
so i went home and cleaned my room.
for several hours actually.
a deep clean.
then i made a list of goals to make me happy on my white board.
and after two days of reading my scriptures, and praying, and focusing on inner beauty, i have already felt a weight lifted off of me.
and i'm happy.