I volunteered with the church yesterday at special olympics.
I loved every minute.
These sweethearts would come across the finish line, no matter what place, head looking towards the heavens, smile spread widely across their face, arms pumping. "I did it!" they would yell. Sometimes I was the hugger that took them for water. They were so happy to spill everything they were thinking in that moment. They love so freely and so fiercely.
For the first time since I started all my end of the year preparations, I realized what was really happening in my life. And for the first time, I know I'm going to miss this. I'm going to miss these people and these experiences. And then as I sat on the track and watched these angels run across, my heart leaped for joy. I have so much more life to live. This is only the beginning. I'm not sad to leave. And I hardly have any regrets. Except to say that I wish I had met him earlier. One month is hardly enough time to let a friendship blossom into more. But oh how I wish it would.
When my guy friends stood up to bear their testimonies I knew it was time for us to leave. We've learned what we need to learn. We're ready to face what's next to come.
And you know what?
I can't wait.