
highway of life

photo by me. june 2009

confession time:
i hate driving.

in drivers ed, when i was 15, i would dread drive times.
i'm not a bad driver. i just get lost so easily, that i've never like going out to far places where i hardly know the territory.

one time, the mean guy sitting in the passenger seat told me to keep going straight on a confusing road. so straight i went, except somehow i ended up going on in the wrong lane and it was well, just a mess. he yelled at me, which was completely unnecessary and i have never really let go of that fear.

ok another confession:
i haven't driven on the highway since drivers ed.
i mean maybe one or two exceptions. do you count 121 as the highway?

well, when i was in drivers ed, i always came up lucky with no traffic at all.
the nice guy in the passenger seat asked me if i went to church.
"sure, every sunday"
"well, someone in heaven is watching out for you."

and maybe he was right. because i never really had to worry about the awkward "merging onto the ramp when another car is already driving in the right lane" scenario. and i'm scared that if i start driving on the highway now, i will have to deal with issues like this.

final confession:
so when my friend who i wish was more than a friend, asked me to come eat lunchables with him during his lunch break at the mall, which is also 35 minutes away, i had my mom take me.

she actually offered. on account of she is my mom and she understands my deepest fears.

but when i got to the mall, my mom had me drop her off at dillards and she let me walk in by myself as to seem like i really am a 17-almost 18 year old-who can drive themselves to meet boys at the mall.

and that is what my friend who i wish was more than a friend thinks happened.

someday when we get married
and i have my own personal driver,
i will tell him the truth.